Earth Rescue
Earth Rescue brand was created to assist in improving our environment, but also to bring the consumer a laundry sheet that does not compromise on cleaning power.
We are continually evaluating and developing our green science to provide you with the best environmental cleaning choices without compromising on performance.
We don’t play games with load size and number of sheets. Our 30-load package cleans 30 normal wash loads. For smaller loads, Earth rescue is perforated to tear off ½ of a sheet. We don’t tell you it’s 60 loads, but only has enough cleaning power for 30 loads. Our 30 load cleans 30 loads. Our 60 load cleans 60 loads.
- Imagine clean and pristine beaches, oceans, rivers and lakes where there is no plastic product packaging in sight.
- Imagine that the USA no longer tosses 700 million laundry detergent bottles into landfill and oceans each year.
- All Laundry Detergent Sheet brands are on this same path, just some detergent sheets work better than others.
Our Laundry Detergent Sheets were tested in an independent lab in Canada and proven to perform better than any other laundry detergent sheetson the market and as well as regular laundry liquid.
No compromise!